Editing, Proofreading, Beta Reading Services
Feedback from my clients

Rashmi has elevated my Manuscript to a much better quality with her quality and effective feedback.
Lali A. Love – Author of The Decoding of Joe: The Blade of Truth – Website: https://authorlalialove.com/
Rashmi has been extremely helpful in identifying grammar, syntax, dialogue tagging, pacing, and use of tenses with line/copy editing. She has elevated my MS to a much better quality with her effective feedback. I totally recommend her editing services.
The De-Coding of Jo: Blade of Truth is a Finalist in the Indie Book Excellence Award and won the Queer Indie Gold Award
Lali A. Love, Author of Paranormal SciFi, Epic Fantasy Series
Website: https://authorlalialove.com/

Rarely do you come across someone who is talented at both big picture ideas and the small details.
Aletha Wade Author of The Way of Heroes
Website: www.alethawade.com
Rashmi edited my epic fantasy novel in June 2019, and I was thrilled with her comments and feedback. She was a pleasure to work with, bringing her fantastic attention to detail to every aspect of my story.
She also gave me fabulous advice which I took, and my story is better for it. Her communication and people skills are excellent, and she has some very innovative ideas.
Rashmi immediately picked up what my Beta readers had not—that my book needed a little more world-building, and she knew my characters after reading it. She put her heart and soul into editing and I will definitely ask her to assist me with the rest of my books in the series.
Rarely do you come across someone who is talented at both big picture ideas and the small details! If that is what you are looking for, Rashmi is just that person.
Aletha Wade Author of The way of Heroes
Website: www.alethawade.com

Rashmi has a sharp editorial eye and brings strong critical and creative thinking to the table.
Sathya Achia – Author of In My Hands – Website: https://sathyaachia.com/
Rashmi provided insightful and constructive feedback for my debut YA fantasy-adventure novel, IN MY HANDS, and for my short story, THE CRANE IN THE MIST. Her expertise helped take my stories to the next level. I appreciated how Rashmi intuitively understood my characters and how she zeroed in on a couple instances where my heroes or villains either said or acted uncharacteristically. She also provided on-point developmental edits to help streamline and connect areas of the story that needed it the most. In addition to the main plot, I appreciated how she carefully tuned-in to the subplots and secondary characters to ensure that these elements stayed strong and got pulled through the entire story from beginning to end. With her perspective and editorial notes, I reworked those points and polished these manuscripts. Rashmi is a stellar professional and a pleasure to work with.
Sathya Achia, Author of In My Hands, YA Fantasy Adventure
Website: https://www.sathyaachia.com

She was appreciative of the good bits about my work, which was a nice change from many who only talked about what needed improving.
Niranjan Author of The Elitist Supremacy
Website: https://authorniranjan.in
When I hired Rashmi for proofreading my book, I had no idea what to expect, but she was extremely easy to work with, giving me suggestions about things that had never even occurred to me or any of my editors or beta readers. Rashmi was appreciative of the good bits about my work, which was a nice change from many who only talked about what needed improving. She was also timely and detailed in her response which was very helpful. When I needed someone to beta read and proofread my second book of the same series, I immediately thought of her. She is someone I can absolutely trust with my brainchild and know that she will do everything she can to make it even better.
Niranjan Author of The Elitist Supremacy

It was a pleasure doing business with Rashmi and I will be going to her from now on for all my book editing service needs!
Chelsii Klein Author of The Beloved Fire
The Beloved Series
I hired Rashmi from Confessions of a Writeaholic for her proofreading services, and I am extremely glad I did!
She did an amazing job with my novel!
It was a pleasure doing business with Rashmi and I will be going to her from now on for all my book editing service needs!
Chelsii Klein Author of The Beloved Fire (Book 1 of The Beloved Series)
Website: https://www.authorchelsiiklein.com/

Rashmi has elevated my Manuscript to a much better quality with her quality and effective feedback.
Lali A. Love Author of The Decoding of Joe: The Hall of Ignorance
Rashmi has been extremely helpful in identifying grammar, syntax, dialogue tagging, pacing, and use of tenses with line/copy editing. She has elevated my MS to a much better quality with her effective feedback. I totally recommend her editing services.
The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance won the Reader’s Favorite Gold Award and the Queer Indie Gold Award.
Lali A. Love, Author of Paranormal SciFi, Epic Fantasy Series
Website: https://authorlalialove.com/

Her kind but honest critique helped me rewrite scenes and improve my writing.
Alaine Greyson Author of Chasing Peace
Website: alainegreysonauthor.com
Rashmi beta read my debut novel. She was timely with her response and her comments helped make my book better. Her kind but honest critique helped me rewrite scenes and improve my writing. She was always available for follow-up questions and helped me think about ways to improve my story. I highly recommend her beta reading services.
Alaine Greyson Author of Chasing Peace (Book 1 of The Reclaiming Life Series)
Website: alainegreysonauthor.com
I felt confident in my work after I made the changes she suggested.
Julianne Sutton Author of Radiance of Memory
Twitter: @xJSutton
Detailed and professional, Rashmi provided such quality feedback. She didn’t leave any area untouched, from the plot to the over-arching themes and the stylistic choices. I felt confident in my work after I made the changes she suggested. I also greatly appreciated the positive yet critical feedback. I could tell she really read the draft and gave each chapter the in-depth approach it needed.
Julianne Sutton, Author of Radiance of Memory
Twitter: @xJSutton
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