Limerick Challenge Week 9: Birth
My happiness can be easily summarized in 3 simple letters and that is my ‘SON’, so obviously his birthday means a very special time for me. Add to it the fact that he is a leap year baby, then the ‘special’ aspect quadruples, de facto it quadruples, quite literally, since we get to celebrate his date of birth once in four years!
You are probably wondering where I am going with this, well, that above paragraph is my alibi for being late to post the challenge for this week.
The limerick submissions this week have surpassed the record submissions from Week 6, I am so happy that so many of you are enjoying this challenge along with me!
Since I have delayed enough, I will straight away get to announcing the Top 5 for the Week 8 Limerick Poetry Challenge!
And the Week 8 Limerick Superstar is ……… Ladieswholunchreviews with the limerick below!
Adrift in an ocean of blue
I find myself floating towards you
You’re becoming my drug
Craving your sweet kisses and hug
Azure eyes drowning me anew…
The second place is shared by Kirstwrites with a beautiful limerick and Arcane Owl with a very insightful one.
The third place is shared by Oneta of Sweet Aroma and Psychochromatic Redemption both for their humorous limericks!
I am sure you have already read all the limericks, if you haven’t then do check them all out! There are absolutely amazing submissions!
Now that the Top 5 have been announced, it is time for the Week 9 Challenge.
The prompt word for this week’s challenge is ‘Birth’ (no surprises there!). You can opt to use the word ‘Birth’ or some of its closer synonyms like Dawn, Birthing, Origin etc.…you get the idea!
For those who are new to the challenge, here are the rules:
- Each week, a prompt (A Word) will be provided and participants are to use this prompt as a base for their limericks.
- Participants can opt to either use the word (prompt) itself or a synonym of the word to use in their Limerick. This is a MUST. Either the word or a synonym of the word must be a part of your Limerick!
- This challenge will run from Friday to Thursday, and you may add your Limerick anytime during these specific days.
- Please tag your Limerick with: Limerick Poetry Challengeso that others interested can check out your Limerick (This step is important).
- Add your story’s URL to this website’s comments. (This step is also important so I will know who has participated).
- If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please follow this blog site to receive instant email notifications of the post with the Word prompts for each week.
- The main purpose of this challenge is to have fun and learn. Those who are able to mentor and help others grow in their writing; you are encouraged to do so. All constructive feedback should be communicated in a kind and helpful manner AND received in a welcoming manner.
- All Limericks for Week 9 Challenge are due in latest by Friday, March 4, 2016.
- Donation to local charity is made in the name of the Winners who will receive the ‘Limerick Superstar’ badge. They can choose to display the badge on their blogs!
Finally, here is my take on the prompt:
It’s time to turn the page
Another birthday to celebrate on this stage
Time flies, it’s never late
Can’t believe you are turning eight
Albeit once in four years, you age!
Hi Rashmi! My best wishes and blessings to your son on his birthday. Beautiful Limerick.
Thank you so much, Maasi! 🙂
You are welcome dear.
Arcane Owl
Hi rashmi
First of all, I’m surprised – I didn’t think my limerick was good enough. Thanks for the opportunity and my hearty congrats to winners.
Moreover, do convey my best wishes to your beloved son. May his birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer.
Have a great day!
Arcane owl
Arcane Owl
As well lovely take on the prompt!
I thought your limerick was wonderful! It was a well deserved win.
Thank you for the wishes! 🙂
Arcane Owl
That’s very kind of you 🙂 Have a great day!
Arcane owl
Rashmi, thank you so much for the honor! I will display the badge proudly on my page. And happy birthday to your wonderful young man. I have 2 boys who are now grown men and I think having sons is wonderful!
You’re welcome! Glad you will display the badge 🙂
And thank you for the wishes for my boy 🙂
I added the badge to My Bling on my site with other coveted awards!
That’s sweet! Thank you 🙂
Oh Rashmi, thanks a lot! Glad you liked my limerick! 🙂
You’re most welcome! 🙂
My hearty congratulations to the winners! The limericks are simply awesome 🙂
Beautiful take on the prompt Rashmi! Wishing your little one a wonderful birthday! God bless him!
Thank you so much! 🙂
Mick Canning
Happy birthday to him, happy birthday to him, Happy BIRTHDAY to hi….m….happy birthday to him.
Aww….thank you so much Mick! 🙂
Happy birthday to your beautiful son. May he be blessed with love and happiness today and always. Lovely poem too. 🙂
Thank you Miriam! 🙂
Beautiful limerick.
And a very happier birthday to your little one, the leap year boy 🙂
Thank you so much, Adhi! 🙂
Sri Sudha K
Congratulations to the winners and rashmi a very happy birthday to your son…may God bless him with health, wealth n happiness….
Thank you so much, Sudha! 🙂
Dear Rashmi,
Happy birthday to your son on the 29th, February 2016. 🙂
Thank you so much, Ranu! 🙂
Wow beautiful winning limerick 🙂 happy birthday to little man 🙂 hope you have a fantastic day 🙂 god bless the baby 🙂
Thank you so much, NJ! 🙂
🙂 Pleasure 🙂
what sandra thinks
Happy Birthday to your little boy! 🙂
I wrote a limerick for this week – Birth… here’s the link:
Thanks for reading! 🙂
Jahnavi Chintakunta
Happy Birthday to your son,Rashmi. He is lucky to have a wonderful, caring Mom like you. Hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
Thank you Jahnavi 🙂
Al The Author
Happy birthday to your boy, Rashmi! Hope you agree with this limerick to mark the day 🙂
Happy birthday, Adi! Here’s my contribution this week. https://ladieswholunchreviews.wordpress.com/2016/02/29/birth-a-lighthearted-limerick/
Hi Rashmi,
I’m posting my week 9 limerick, “Birth.”
Susan Body Renovations
Happy birthday wishes to your precious son!
Here is a different spin for this weeks challenge.
Arcane Owl
Hey Rashmi 😉
This time I’ve attempted two limericks for the prompt. Hope you don’t mind.
Have a great day!
~Arcane Owl
Sri Sudha K
Hi rashmi, here’s my limerick for this week
Sri Sudha K
Rashmi two more under the same title, check them here
Hello Rashmi,
Here is my take, I’m not really happy with it… but.. 🙁
Feedback awaited!
Shilpa Niraj
Hey Rashmi,
Belated birthday wishes to your son. 🙂
Here’s my limerick for week #9- http://wp.me/p5VOch-e5
I couldn’t choose which one to add so you have 2 for the price of 1 this week:
I always like it when you have offers up like this…2 for 1..! 😀
Hello Rashmi,
I’ve come up with a second one! Hope you will consider this one too..
Waiting for your feedback! 🙂
Elizabeth Helmich
You told me it was good enough, so here goes! This was my first attempt at a Limerick, and what better inspiration than the love of your child? A big Happy Birthday to your boy. Getting prepped for my baby’s Big Day tomorrow! Thanks for including me. 🙂
I’m so glad you decided to participate. A very happy birthday to your little one! 🙂
Elizabeth Helmich
Thank-you much!! 🙂
Jahnavi Chintakunta
Hi Rashmi, After several weeks, I managed to write a limerick. I am happy to participate in this challenge. Here is my entry