
Unlock the Power of Words - Welcome to the world of words, where stories come to life and ideas take flight! As an editor, I understand the importance of polished prose and captivating narratives. That's why I'm thrilled to announce a limited time special offer on my professional editing services. Continue Reading
Book Review – The Beloved Fire by Chelsii Klein - I was given the ARC of The Beloved Fire by Chelsii Klein in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed reading the book and writing the Book Review of The Beloved Fire. The Beloved Fire tells the story of Mikayla and her relationship with the supernatural. The base of the story stems from a challenge between the Angels and Demons of Heaven and Hell, respectively, and how Mikayla becomes a part of that challenge due to her previously unknown connections to the supernatural. Chelsii Klein did a marvelous job building the world of the Purgatory with its mansion, hallways, and the doorways that lead to various locations in Hell. I also enjoyed this fresh take on the supernatural genre and… Continue Reading
How to Instagram as an Author - As of 2019, Instagram is one of the top 10 social media platforms for engagement ranking second, behind only Facebook. Think about it, a platform for engagement that’s better than Twitter? Yep, you read that right! Continue Reading
5 Steps To Your Non-Fiction Story – Karina Monteiro - My first encounter with non-fiction was Irving Stone’s The Agony and the Ecstasy. I was in college when I read it. The book infused in me some of Michelangelo’s spunk, a keen interest in his sculptures, and inspired me to travel to Florence six years later. I’ve been writing non-fiction for the past five years – specifically, human interest stories for social impact or employee engagement. It’s been a long and arduous journey with its fair share of heartbreak and of course some wisdom. For what it’s worth, here’s what I learned: Start with one idea Brainstorm over an overarching theme or moral for your story. With non-fiction, you often discover information as you progress. More often than not, you find your… Continue Reading
My Journey to Becoming A Writer – Paul C. Thornton - “You’ll be dead in six months.” It was May 29, 1985. Those words started me on the path to become a writer. I just didn’t know it at the time. When I wrote my first book, a memoir intriguingly titled White Man’s Disease, I faithfully depicted the scene I vividly recalled where I was with my crying wife and the brain surgeon who said those words to me. White Man’s Disease was published 30 years after that scene took place. I became a writer at age 58. When I woke up on the morning of December 6, 2014, I had no plans to write a book. When I went to bed that night, I was a writer. December 6 was my… Continue Reading
Interview with Literary Agent Eric Smith - One of the decisions I had to make as a debut author getting ready to hit the publishing world was the route I wanted to take: should I go traditonal, indie, or self-publish? I researched each route and found that they all have their own pros and cons. One of the most important aspects on traditional publishing was landing the right Literary Agent to represent your book to the publishing world. Finding an agent to represent you is not an easy task these days and if you are not well prepared it is near impossible. I figured, the best way to find out would be to ask Literary Agents themselves. In that spirit, I reached out to Eric Smith, a… Continue Reading
Navigating Fantasy: A Breakdown of Subgenres - One of my favorite things about the fantasy genre is its versatility. Almost any type of story you want to read, you can add a fantastical element and transform it into an entirely new subgenre. If you’re writing a fantasy novel, it can be difficult to distinguish which subgenre the story falls into. This categorization is incredibly important in terms of picking the right literary agent, finding the best audience for your work, and deciding which platforms are the best places to promote your work. Today, I want to break down as many fantasy subgenres as I can and give an indication as to which stories fall into which categories. High/Epic Fantasy: The most prominent of the fantasy subgenres. If… Continue Reading
NaNo Prep as a Plotter - Writing a novel takes preparation; that is obvious, but there are different types of preparation involved. The level of prep work required mainly depends on the category you identify with as a writer. Continue Reading
Turning Social Media Followers into a Reader Fan Base - I’ll preface this article by saying that there are plenty of publishing and marketing gurus out there who have written expert articles on this matter. I am in the pre-published phase of my novel-writing career but I’ve been following the advice of some greats out there and I’m reaping the rewards of a growing author platform. This blog is my personal journey about what I’ve found has worked and not worked for me to turn my followers into fans. What is an Author Platform? Publishing expert, Jane Friedman, describes this as an ability to sell books because of who you are or who you can reach in her blog: A Definition of Author Platform. Also check out this YouTube video:… Continue Reading
Tips To Revive Your Blog - I recognized the problem – a dormant or barely active blog. What was the solution? Simple, revive the blog Continue Reading